This has nothing to do with anything with Arise Africa but this woman was carrying a TV ON HER HEAD! That's awesome!
Today (Monday) was a great day.
This morning Joe, our driver picked up Benson and I and we were off to Greenhill school and orphanage.
I was beyond impressed at their progress from this past year and getting to see all my friends was so fun. The kids were singing and jumping all over me, like I had never left! It was awesome.
We had a long meeting with the headmasters at Greenhill and are beyond grateful for their commitment to these kids. They are boarding more kids than ever before and they are pouring out of their sleeping rooms. Literally some are sleeping on the porch! We prayed for their struggles and thanked God for their success and achievements. Their kids made some of the highest academic scores in community schools in Zambia. Unfortunately they didn't have enough funds to allow all their kids to take the government tests required to move to the next grades. It broke my heart to hear that lack of funding for a test that costs $30 American Dollars was what would hold these orphan kids from moving to the next grade of school. Not lack of commitment from the kids but just $30 that they don't have. We prayed about how to avoid this in the future.
Another major success that Greenhill has achieved is their sustainable growing. They have crops all over the place and are feeding their kids so much better! From corn, to cabbage, to red onions to even herbs they are winning agriculture awards and selling excess crops to the community to raise funds for the school. I mentioned that an American is interested in coming to teach more about sustainable farming and they were really excited.

We spoke of their needs and what they had been praying for. A major concern for them is that their school has run out of classrooms and they have moved the babies (grades 1-3) back to outside to the same tress that Greenhill School was started under.
That was when I was able to tell them that God willing a team of Americans would be coming early next year to build them a classroom. They couldn't believe it and Mrs. Tembo fell to the floor and started thanking God and praying to Him. It was overwhelming for them and myself! At that moment I realized that we are showing God's love in ways that I can't comprehend to these people. Then I almost peed in my pants realizing I just told them we are coming without all the funds raised for the classroom! I explained this and that our team is working hard in America to make this happen. They said they would be praying for everyone involved. We discussed the project and we will be having a community meeting with the parents in the weeks to follow to begin to get them prepared to be inundated by loud young Americans who are ready to build!
So if you want to help us make this classroom a reality (and make me feel much less nervous!) CLICK HERE and donate to the school fund! Every little bit helps!
I also was able to give Greenhill a laptop that had been donated by Vinson and Elkins law firm and they were PUMPED!

Ok guys I won't be around for a while but you will hear from me early next week.
Have a great week!
In Him,
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