Sunday, August 22, 2010

Arrived and Alive in Africa

Well I arrived in Zambia yesterday morning and had the WONDERFUL surprise of getting all my luggage. ALL!! I was shocked and I am not so sure what to do with having so many personal items in Africa! (Note: for those of you who don’t know the story, I spent 4 weeks in Africa last year and NONE of my personal luggage ever arrived and I lived with a pair of jeans and three t-shirts that were Bart Zachry’s old school uniforms that were supposed to be donated clothing. And got a nasty stomach “issue” because of no food or medicine) I was laughing at myself as I set up my toothpaste, soaps and shampoo in the bathroom, I was like a kid in a candy store!

We had a full day even though I was jet lagged. I hit the ground running with Benson and Bwalya. I learned a lot more about some business investments we have going on and was overwhelmed at the work these guys have been doing for us in Africa. We also mapped out the next few weeks and what it will look like for all of us. We got a lot to do!

Another great surprise was that Benson had received his grades and did really well in college this past semester! In fact, the local newspaper had congratulated those with good scores and he made the paper! Go Benson, I sure am glad he can show me up with his academic skills. Let’s be honest I wouldn’t say my name has ever appeared anywhere for an academic award! All you 4.0 overachieving Chi O’s in college can be quiet.

Last night I had dinner with my close American friends who live over here in Zambia. Their hearts and openness to help Arise Africa and me is amazing, we couldn’t do it without their support. It was a blast and we had quite a fun time even though the back patio was taken over by yellow jackets. The guys took care of them after I recommended the trusty Peter Hollimon tactic of soap and water. Thanks dad for teaching me those good old ranch tricks!

I’m excited, overwhelmed, and blessed. We ask for your prayers in big decisions, partnerships, and relationships we will build, strengthen, and continue to pour into these next few weeks. Pray for our Zambian team and pray that I listen well and together we continue to glorify Him!

And did I mention I am going to Namibia for a little VACAY too?!?!

Thank you for all your help and support!

Alissa for Arise Africa

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