Sunday Funday
Today we woke up and headed to church. We had a great time and met a lot of amazing Zambians, including many of the children that will be attending the kids camp this week. We loved the singing and had quite an experience learning the songs. They had visiting bishops; governmental representatives and even the local TV station came! This was a BIG deal for them!!
There were about 150 people that attended the church. Families and children from the community gathered to worship and they are “lively” for God to say the least! Their energy for Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that you cannot help but overflow with emotion and praise.
After church, they have a tradition of greeting every person that attended the service that day. Members made an incredible collage of authentic Zambian cuisine in our honor. It is unreal to see that these families come from such hardship and were concerned with making us feel at home. We were able to fellowship with everyone and the PRECIOUS children of Zambia.

We then headed to Arcades, a shopping center where we were able to purchase some souvenirs and eat a great meal. We ate at a local restaurant called La Mimosa or better known as “La Musungu” among the Zambians because that is where all the white people like to eat. (Musungu means white in their tribal language) After Arcades we had some time in the afternoon at our lodge to hang out, throw the Frisbees and football and watch Clayton throw some pitches. A few of our other guys attempted to throw and we ended up having to get our guard to help us retrieve baseballs that were in a yard over the fence. We also got experience a massive rainstorm that Charlotte managed to sleep through!
Dinner was great and chefs David, Kasey and Katie are rocking it in the kitchen. We introduced our Zambian kitchen friends to brownies and chicken Parmesan. They were impressed we know how to wash dishes despite the fact that we have dishwashers.
The Gilliams and the Sayles led our devotional tonight as we talked about Galatians 4, being one in Christ, and being adopted as heirs of the King. Through these conversations, we also had the opportunity to share our own stories of God’s sovereignty through this trip, the preparations before the departure, and our time here in Zambia so far. We continue to see the mighty ways that the Lord is working and continue to pray boldly against any ways that anyone or anything might try to slow down the great things He is doing.
Day two, we can already see the love of the Lord spilling over into our lives, and the selflessness of these beautiful people.
So thankful yall are doing well!