This particular classroom really enjoyed the construction paper we gave them:

We stayed at Greenhill for a while, and did some video and hung out with the kids.
Then Isaac and I started our errand running and we were on the move. We went into town which is always an adventure in itself. People are everywhere trying to sell you pirated DVDs to belts and even cell phone chargers on the street corners. Parking is a nightmare so people will fight for parking spots for you and in return you must pay them. This is always entertaining to me and luckily Isaac did a great job making sure we weren't ripped off. We found a pretty good parking spot and started our shopping.
We first went and bought school books for our sponsored children. After that we had a list of things that our Zambian team had asked us for which we of course forgot. so we had to keep calling Brenda and Susan which I am sure they were thrilled at! We bought them some more cooking pots and plates for our feeding program for our sposored kids. This meant going to the plastics store. They have a whole store that only sells every type of plastic available. From plastic chairs to forks, you buy it here.
As Isaac was paying for the plastics I walked outside to find a man selling giant wooden spoons that you use for stirring Enshima here. The girls had asked us to buy some so I began to ask him how much and then start the bartering process. I thought I was doing pretty good on the spoons and was about to pay when Isaac came out and asked how much he was charging me. He then proceeded to tell the man just because I was white I would not be getting ripped off and we paid about one fourth of what I had him at. That is when I was politely told to not buy a single thing anymore because my skin color was a disadvantage. I took that advice and kept my mouth shut the rest of the day when it came to price negogiating!
Our next stop was to buy some large pots for cooking and knives. We got some great knives but the pots were very expensive and I think I can get better prices in the USA and they can be brought over so we will wait on that. Isaac and I then made our last stop to buy washing soap for clothes. As we were walking to the car I was stopped by a stumbling drunk and dirty man who asked if I would marry him. I am sure my father is devestated but I declined.
We fought the traffic and left town and headed to one of our community schools where we met Brenda and Susan and unloaded our gear. We did some video at this school and followed up on a loan we had given them a few months ago. They purchased some industrial sewing machines and now make clothes which they sell and use the funds for their school. It is going remarkably well and seeing 6 women who now have jobs was really inspiring.
The last part of our day we went back to the local market where many of our sponsored kids live in tarp homes. We visited a few of their homes and gave out more clothes for winter and visited with parents and grandparents. We shot some video and hung out.
As weird as it sounds, it was really cool to be in the market at the end of the day. The sun was going down and I looked around and realized how lucky we are to be loved so much. As we went from house to house and were able to distribute food and clothes to grateful parents and children, I was overwhelmed at how blessed we are. I was honored to be there with our great Zambian team and was proud of them. They knew all the parents and kids and their siblings. They were loved in this community and it was evident. And I stood out like a sore thumb and was loved just as much. Well maybe not by the small babies who were scared of me because they had never seen a white person.

While in the city market I was asked by another stumbling, drunk and dirty man if I would marry him. Once again I declined.
It was a perfect way to end the day! (not the proposal, but visiting folks in the city market)